The Budo Jake Podcast - Premiere Episode with Bruno "Mamute" Paulista

New for 2021! 

The new Budo Jake Podcast gives me an opportunity to have a casual conversations with leaders in the martial arts world. In this episodes I chat with Bruno Paulista, better known as "Mamute". Besides being a world champion, the compelling part of his story is how he overcame a devastating injury in a car crash in Brazil. From having to learn how to talk and walk again, he persevered and is fought to recover most of what he lost in terms of physical and mental endurance.

During our chat I thought how great it was that he had Jiu-jitsu in his life. He was already well-trained with fighting, with overcoming the odds. I think he had all the tools he needed to deal with such a setback. The average office worker likely would not have been able to persevere as much as Bruno did.

Well, check out the new show. I hope you like it! 

Also, you can check out Bruno's school's website at MamuteBJJ.com


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