Actual Fighting: Nunchaku Techniques DVD by Kazumasa Yokoyama - Budovideos Inc
Actual Fighting: Nunchaku Techniques DVD by Kazumasa Yokoyama - Budovideos Inc
Actual Fighting: Nunchaku Techniques DVD by Kazumasa Yokoyama - Budovideos Inc
Actual Fighting: Nunchaku Techniques DVD by Kazumasa Yokoyama - Budovideos Inc
Actual Fighting: Nunchaku Techniques DVD by Kazumasa Yokoyama - Budovideos Inc

実戦ヌンチャクテクニックDVD 横山一正

通常価格 $39.95 USD
通常価格 $59.00 USD セールスプライス $39.95 USD


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沖縄の二大武器の一つ、ヌンチャクの実戦テクニックを紹介。 「琉球古武道の光」といわれるヌンチャクの基本技「極速武器法」から高級技、伝統型、応用技までを、詳しい指導と解説で。ヌンチャクの最難関テクニックの秘密が初めて明かされる。横山講師が受講者に直接セミナー形式で解説します。

実行時間: 45 分。
Actual Fighting: Nunchaku Techniques DVD by Kazumasa Yokoyama - Budovideos Inc

実戦ヌンチャクテクニックDVD 横山一正

通常価格 $39.95 USD
通常価格 $59.00 USD セールスプライス $39.95 USD

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Buster Hyman
Separate the myth from the reality and the impossible from the practicality

Let’s face it, YOU DON’T want to take yourself out with a nunchaku ricochet.


This video discusses how to safely experience the nunchaku rebound effect and use it in your practice striking. If you grew up believing the mythology of “the one hit kill or knock out” with nunchaku consider how many times you “thunk” yourself while training and you are still not dead!!!!!

That said: don’t ya want to learn how not to “thunk” yourself?

Well, this video goes a long way is separating nunchaku myth from nunchaku reality.

Add it to your collection if you want a more realistic exposition on nunchaku length and rebound; and, how you must factor these in when attempting to use them in “actual combat”.

And you can still enjoy the fun movies of your childhood where nunchaku are a “wonder weapon” that can take out an entire squad of Black Belts!

Why not!? Just ignore the physics of angular deflection.