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TWIBJJ Episode 60 - Rolled Up, SYR, and Jeff Glover CXT Drills

This episode of This Week in BJJ (TWIBJJ) is packed with the latest news from Budo HQ!

Rolled Up, the most popular BJJ show on the internet, will soon be back with 3 new episodes and the TWIBJJ audience is the first to see the previews! 

The previews of Rolled Up start at 1:23

Rolled Up Clark Gracie

Rolled Up Royler Gracie

Rolled Up Costa Rica

Next up, Vince "the Bear" from Shoyoroll stops in to tell us all about his new gi - the Absolute.
The Vince interview starts at 4:38

Finally, Jason Gulati from Combat X Trainer visits us all the way from Australia to chat with Jeff Glover and myself about the CXT. There's no one better than Glover to show us how to develop drills on the CXT! Check out part 2 of TWIBJJ for the CXT interview.

Here's the latest TWIBJJ episode in full!

Part 1 of TWIBJJ Episode 60

Part 2 of TWIBJJ Episode 60

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